Part 3 My Relevant Experience

9. Do you have experience with zoning regulations, building codes, permitting, regulatory entitlements, budgets over a million dollars, development of Policy and Procedures, and/or human resources? Briefly list relevant experiences.

James Rose:

As a homeowner and as a consultant helping my business clients over the years, I have gained a working knowledge of the city’s zoning regulations, building codes and permitting processes. More importantly, I also have a working knowledge of the internal workings of the North Bend city government as it relates to these key issues and understand some of the key issues that frustrate developers, contractors and homeowners. In my professional career I have directly managed multi-million dollar aircraft procurement programs, aviation squadrons and military equipment programs, a military base operation that included a small “city” of over 3500 base housing units and the information technology and internet business of a multi- million dollar corporation. In my public and private sector experiences, I have also been directly responsible for development of policies and procedures affecting all sizes of organizations from small to extremely large which has included the development and execution of successful strategic plans. In addition, I have been extremely involved in human resources activities in various sized businesses and activities.

Jessica Engelke:

I have been a North Bend City Councilor for two years, and I am deeply entrenched in North Bend’s budget, planning, regulations, and needs. In addition, I have years of experience in managing budgets over a million dollars, development of policy and procedure, and Human Resources. See qualifications above.

Eric Gleason:

I have a great deal of budgetary experience from my time in county government as well as on the North Bend school board. I have worked with multi-million dollar budgets for both. Policy and Procedures are also something that I have a history with in the Navy, county government and my current school board position.

Jonathan Vinyard:

I have almost nine years of experience in handling and maintaining budgets over a million dollars when I was in the Army as a medic. I was routinely selected above seniors and peers for management, supply purchasing, accounting and over all readiness for a battalion sized (over 700 personnel) aid station. I created an implemented a standard operating procedure (policy) that is still used and
applied today (over a decade later).

I was chosen for jobs outside of my duties as a medic on a consistent basis. While server overseas, I was selected to run and operate a phlebotomy laboratory, without prior training or knowledge. I created a continuity book for the point of care lab, which laid out step-by-step instructions on the procedures for drawing blood as well as obtaining many other specimens to send off for

Pat Goll:

Yes I do!. I was a general contractor for years. Building multiple facilities. In my present job I have dealing with land mitigation, projects overseen are multimillion dollar improvement projects. Currently I am an operations manager that has to secure and keep customers happy, and those business relationships strong.

Ron Kutch:

As mentioned above, I am a member of the North Bend Planning Commission. I can’t say I am an “expert” in Planning, but have spent many hours digging into land use issues, zoning, permitting and building codes. In addition, I have been a business owner and manager with budgets up to $5 million. Part of being a manager is the development of policies and procedures and above all else, working with people. I always treat people fairly and with respect.

Susanna Noordhoff:

I have experience with zoning regulations –

I have a B.A. in Urban and Regional Planning, and did a summer internship with Yakima County and a comprehensive land use analysis for the City of Yakima. I worked for a consultant to develop and hold public meetings on the Sunnyside Area Comprehensive Plan, the first in Washington to jointly adopt zoning for two areas outside the City perimeter at freeway exits.

I successfully presented an application to the Coos Bay Planning Commission and City Council for changes to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance for a large undeveloped tract of land that is being developed for housing.

I later completed B.S. in Civil Engineering, and moved to the Bay area in 2005 to work for a consulting firm

Building Codes – Sort of. I completed the site civil plans and standard specifications for a new emergency operations facility. I wrote the Site Plan and Architectural Review of the Coos Bay’s No 2 Wastewater Treatment Plant for review and approval by the Coos Bay Planning Commission. I’ve compiled sections of Standard Specifications for various construction projects before they go out to bid.

Public Works –
I completed the design for the North Bend School District’s Oak Street athletic fields and also Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan for construction. I worked on the Coos Bay Rail Link line parallel to the Trans-Pacific Parkway, calculating nine foundation elevations for each 100 foot span. I worked on the Marion Street pavement rehab project, now completed. I completed the headworks design for a wastewater plant upgrade.

Permitting –
I designed and permitted a stream restoration project to remove 140 feet of collapsed metal culvert in Barview. I wrote permit applications and erosion control plans for a new wastewater treatment plant, stream culvert and effluent pipe in Gold Beach. I designed and permitted riprap wall repairs and vegetative stabilization for a commercial property in Florence. I designed and permitted a dock structure, pilings and floating dock in the Coos Bay estuary. I wrote the Environmental Assessment for improvements to the Row River water treatment system. I did the erosion and sedimentation control plan for the Jordan Cove Energy Project ship basin.

While working for the Dyer Partnership, I reviewed, and approved or rejected development applications for a number of southern Oregon cities according to City Code.

Budgets over a million dollars –
The Gardiner Sanitary District’s annual budget is in the $375,000 range. I have been the Board Treasurer for five budget cycles and understand the process and requirements. Supplemental budgets were required to amend the previous year’s budget in several cases. I posted the required legal notices in the paper and advertised public hearings.

Development of Policy and Procedures
As a private consultant, I completed an urban renewal feasibility study for the City of Port Orford, and worked with the Curry County Assessor to propose a UR Boundary that would include less than 25% of the City’s tax base.

On the Gardiner RFPD Board, I pushed for a better fire protection contract with property owners outside the District boundary. I obtained a District credit card and cancelled the District’s debit card. I got the District set up with a collections agency to have an alternative to writing off motor vehicle accident response claims that go unpaid by the driver’s insurance company. I forced the Board Treasurer to provide the Board with copies of his monthly financial statement.

While on the Sanitary Board, I have been involved in the passage of several ordinances, including a System Development Charge for new customers connecting to the system, a prohibition on directing stormwater into the sewer system, and changed customer billing to base it on winter usage to remove volume surcharge for water used for irrigation and car washing.

While on the Fire Board, I supported a new stipend for volunteer firefighters who attend the weekly training sessions.

Timm Slater:

I have dealt with zoning and planning regulations as an active part of the Coos County Planning commission. With over 30 years in Weyerhaeuser timberland management I filed DEQ permits; Corps of Engineer and Department of State Land permits; land use planning issues and ODOT permits for logging operations. I was also Team leader and Lead Auditor for the Western Timberlands ISO 14000 certification, Community relations Manager and Timberlands Environmental Manager for Oregon dealing with all external and natural resource issues on a statewide basis.