Part 3 My Relevant Experience

8. What qualifications and experiences do you have that uniquely qualify you for this position as a public official? What do you bring to the table that your opponents do not bring and why should you get the vote?

James Rose:

As a dad, neighbor, local business owner and a longtime resident of North Bend I have extensive knowledge and experience with the very same issues that are being talked about at dinner tables, businesses and over the fence throughout our city. I also bring an extensive background and education in leadership and financial management. Moreover, I bring successful and extensive military, government and private sector experience to the job of Mayor. With your support, I stand ready to effectively lead the effort to take on the tough issues to get our city on a definitive and positive path forward to the future we all want and deserve. I firmly believe that my life and professional experiences that I bring to the office will be an extremely valuable asset to the citizens of North Bend and clearly set me apart from my opponent.

Jessica Engelke:

I have deep roots in our community, and I love this place. I grew up in North Bend and graduated from North Bend High School. Besides having city council experience, I am a tenured Business Professor at Southwestern Oregon Community College teaching a variety of classes including Business, Human Relations in Organizations, Advertising, Marketing, and Leadership. I have
experience in policy and procedures. I have a Master of Business Degree with an emphasis in Human Resources. Before my work as a business professor, I was in management for over 20 years, including Human Resources Manager for a major department store. I am active in the community and participate on several community boards. I have planned and organized many community events including The Charleston Salmon Run and The Bear Claw’s 5K and Heath fair.

CO-Chair Bay Area Enterprises Serving since 2015

Convene regularly scheduled board meetings and appoint all committee members. Review and vote on an annual budget for the agency. Vote on and regularly evaluates the performance of the Director to ensure that the Director is carrying out the direction of the board and meeting the goals of the agency.

Bay Area Chamber of Commerce President 2017 Visible leader of the Chamber, communicator, facilitator, and interactive community planner. Worked with staff and other board members to develop, implement, and assess Chamber programs, projects, and events. activities; Prepare material for monthly board and executive committee meetings. services and operations.

CCD Coos and Curry County Executive Board appointed by Coos and Curry County 2015.

Current Vice Chair Elect

CCD is a certified Development Company that encourages economic development, diversify local economies, support industry, and enhance quality of life for all in the region. The Vision is to provide opportunity for proactive economic growth through diversification and expansion. The role as a board member is to act as a liaison between the local and business communities and CCD and its available to services. CCD has been on the front lines during the COVID Pandemic, providing direct financial support to many businesses that did not receive any federal funds.

Oregon Adventure Coast Community Representative Budget Committee 2020

Eric Gleason:

I have been a member of the North Bend School board for the last year where I have had oversight of a multimillion dollar budget, staffing, facilities and public perception. I also spent nearly 8 years in the US Navy were I learned what leadership means and how to move forward with a team. I hope to earn your vote as a son of North Bend. Being a member of this community for my entire life, with the exception of the time I served out country. I will serve this city with the same honor, courage and commitment.

Jonathan Vinyard:

I’m a citizen just like everyone else. I want to be a part of making a positive change in our city. I want to propel this city into a future of sustainment and prosperity. I ask questions, I’m inquisitive and I don’t take no for an answer. I have had many experiences in my life around the country as well as overseas that have prepared me for such a role, while serving in the Army for nearly nine years. I am a great communicator and I listen very well (which has served me well as my time as a Coos County Sheriff’s Office Deputy as well). I’m not afraid to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.

Pat Goll:

Previous 4 years on City Council. 19 years as volunteer fireman and Captain with North Bend Fire. Avid North Bend School District Supporter. 25 years as operations manager where networking with other business, retaining business and obtaining new business is key to the success of our business. I want to see North Bend thrive!

Ron Kutch:

I am on commissions and committees all over the county and in other parts of the state. I am a consensus builder and look for ways to get to “yes”. Arguing only gets people mad at each other and doesn’t change anybody’s mind. I promote conversation, public involvement and have a servant’s heart.

In addition, I have been either a business owner or manager in the technology field since the early 1990’s and dealing with the public since the 1970’s . I understand people and am familiar with organizational structure, budgets and decision making.

Some of the things I have been involved with currently and over the years are;

• City of North Bend
o Planning Commission
o Budget Committee
• Bay Area Chamber of Commerce
o Director
o Transportation Committee – Chair
o Education and Workforce Committee – Member
• South Coast Development Council – Board Member, Executive Committee
• South West Area Committee on Transportation (SWACT) – Coos County Representative
• Boost Southern Oregon – Member
• Housing Action Team – Community Member At Large
• Associated General Contractors Workforce Coalition – Member
• Viewpoint Software Users Group – Founder and Co-leader
• Foster Parent Association – Past Founding Board Member and Secretary
• State Foster Parent Advisory Board – Past Member
• Hauser Community Church – Member and Past Elder

Susanna Noordhoff:

I have served for 7 years in public office. I own a second home in Gardiner, which allows me to serve on the Boards of two special districts. I’m in the sixth year on the Gardiner Sanitary District Board of Directors, appointed in 2014 and served to 2016. I was then elected to a four year term in 2017. I am currently the Board Secretary, and was Treasurer for four years through two major construction projects and five budget cycles. I also was elected to a two-year seat on the Gardiner Rural Fire Protection District Board, and served as Secretary/Treasurer from 2017 to 2019. I brought in several grants to improve the Gardiner Fire Hall. I initiated both Boards’ participation in Oregon’s Local Government Investment Pool where both Districts now keep their savings accounts.

Timm Slater:

City of North Bend
Mayor for 12 years following over 5 years on the City Council. Returned to the Council in 2012 for another 8 years. Major accomplishments achieved:
• Organized and sponsored a bi-annual city visioning and goal setting process which included quarterly reviews. This process produced the 1994 Urban Renewal Plan, 1998 Waterfront plan; the Senior Center; the city hall remodel, the runway extension and many other successful projects.
• Helped write the city transit room tax proposal. Was a founding member of the joint tourism committee with Coos Bay. Formalized the organization with an intergovernmental agreement in 1989, which became the CB NB VCB.
• Facilitated internal and external communication with the launch of a city newsletter, a monthly live radio show, the initial coverage by public access TV and a monthly breakfast between North Bend Mayor and Administrator and Coos Bay Mayor and Manager.
• In community outreach, re-introduced the Christmas tree lighting and celebration & started the NB/CB challenge softball game at each July Jubilee.
• In operations, initiated the city hall remodel without using tax dollars & negotiated the final price for purchase of the community center when the committee stalled.
• Helped facilitate significant capital improvements for the city to include: new library, community center, senior center, sewage plant upgrade and runway extension.
• Significant implementation of the Urban Renewal Plan with the partnership to redevelop the Liberty Theatre, Grant Circle and Lincoln Square projects, façade improvements with many business owners in the district and a renewed Parks department facility.

Coos Bay North Bend Water Board—3 years
• Aided in the transition of leadership with the retirement of the general manager and the recruitment of the replacement.
• Initiated the permitting process for enlarging the upper dam and increasing water supplies.
• Built a new modern treatment plan

Coos County Planning Commission—13 years
• Helped write the first acknowledged comprehensive plan for Coos County. Also finished the first acknowledged, multi-jurisdictional Coos Bay Estuary plan.

Coos County Mayors Forum—8 years–Founder
• Established a dialogue which led to the Mayors supporting and promoting the passage of the Coos Library Service district.

League of Oregon Cities
• Board member from 2014 to 2020
• LOC Executive Committee 2017-2019
• League President 2018

Army Reserve and Army National Guard—32 years
Served as a combat engineer and infantry man, in roles from Drill Sergeant to interim First Sergeant to Company Commander to Field Grade Officer.

Additional Service
• Coos County Area Transit District—Commissioner since 2019
• Coos County Library District Board member—6 years
• Coos Bay BLM Resource Advisory Committee—5 years
• Southwestern Oregon CC Budget committee—17 years
• Bay Area Enterprise Zone—Chair 12 years
• County Structure Committee–2011-2012