NBCFGFG readers.  Our own Frazier Pruett has personally and privately written a letter to the Editor of the World Newspaper.  In the event the letter doesn’t make publication, we want to make sure that you as voting citizens have a chance to read and understand his views on this very important topic.




Dear Editor


A commonly held definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over again and expecting different results”.   Isn’t that the same as casting your vote for the same mayor/city councilors and expecting them to suddenly start listening to the citizens and respecting their vote?  Let’s review what our current city council and mayor brought you:

  1. Created the Public Safety Fee and Street Maintenance Fee WITHOUT your vote.
  2. Gave themselves the power over both fees WITHOUT a vote of the citizens. They did this to circumvent the law which requires a vote to raise taxes.  Fees can be raised without a vote unless expressly forbidden (Thanks to the passage of 6-176 they can’t do that anymore).
  3. Voted against 6-176 which gave you the citizens the power to approve fee increases. Yes, that’s right, they voted against your right to vote.  The city council could have adopted 6-176 before it went to a public vote.  They took no action which is paramount to a “no” vote. Let that sink in a minute–75% of the voters for this measure.
  4. Had no answer when asked directly why we would have fewer police officers with a $15 Public Safety Fee than when we had no Public Safety Fee. This equals ~$800k per year which is more than enough for the 4 additional police offers requested.  So where is the money going?

Does this really sound like the city government that you want? Can you trust this city government to make well-informed decisions with your tax dollars?  If this isn’t the city government that you want, then don’t vote for any of the incumbents.


Frazier Pruett

North Bend