My name is James Rose and I am a candidate for Mayor of the City of North Bend.  I would like to ask for your vote on this November’s ballot.

The people of North Bend deserve a city council and city administration that does not cause problems – rather – we want a council that solves them. We want a council that constantly is asking What if? and Why not?  We want a council and an administration that is constantly striving to make improvements that have a consequential effect on improving our quality of life.

This November is a referendum on the performance of every single sitting North Bend City Council member. The people of this city will decide whether or not the current council members have made their lives better and whether or not people have trust and faith in their elected leadership.  This upcoming election is clearly about two things – change or status quo. Voters will get to make the decision on the future course of our city – and my bet is always on the voters.

The most recent public debacle over the threat to cut North Bend police services and the entire council abdicating their solemn duty to ensure that all citizens can feel safe in their own homes, schools and workplaces – is not the kind of leadership our city deserves. Moreover, overturning the result of a duly held election in November 2018 and subsequently imposing the council’s will on the people of this city is not representative government.  Our city has serious issues that deserve serious and immediate attention of our elected leaders. Maintaining the status quo is no longer an option.  It is long past time to move forward with a positive agenda that will decisively alter our current circumstance and move this city forward in spite of all the challenges that lie ahead.

President Eisenhower said, “History is a great teacher.” The takeaway for all of us at this time is that we should learn from the past actions of the North Bend City Council and all of the city’s past history and press forward – and not dwell on it.  We can learn from that history to make things better – and most important – not repeat those same mistakes.

Our city government in its simplest form is about making choices and about making people’s lives better.  Every elected and non-elected person working in North Bend city government should be able to say at the start of each day – “what am I going to do today to make someone’s life better?  If at the end of the day – everyone is working to make people’s lives better – that’s a good day.  People all over our community are struggling – to find a job, keep their homes, sustain their business, pay their bills and feed their children.

The main focus of any elected leader has to be to try to help everyone get through those daily struggles by effectively and efficiently solving people’s every-day problems.  All government – at every level – is without exception – “Of the people, for the people and by the people” – there is no higher purpose for an elected official than to ensure that imperative is foremost in every aspect of our city government.

U.S Navy Captain John Paul Jones once said “if fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.” We must all have absolute faith in our local elected leaders to do the right thing – every time.  Our city’s elected and non-elected leadership cannot ever again use fear as a way of persuading citizens to pay for essential services such as public safety.  Public safety of every citizen is a right not an option on a menu of choices.  Rebuilding the faith and trust in our city’s elected leadership must be priority number one for our next City Council.  Captain Jones also profoundly exclaimed in the midst of his famous naval battle – that his own officers thought could not be won – “I have not yet begun to fight.” I would appropriately add for my own circumstance -“For every citizen of the City of North Bend.”

Government should be an ongoing “conversation” – if elected I will enthusiastically and actively elicit new ideas from a variety of sources, people and places with the primary goal of making people’s lives better and improving our city.  For all too long our elected leadership has lost focus on what is really important to the people of this city and the long-term success of North Bend.  Along with all of the elected members of the Council and all the extremely dedicated city employees – I know I will work tirelessly to bring these new ideas, solutions and actions to life in order to get done – what needs to get done.


There is little time to spare with the November election fast approaching – I stand ready on day one – if I am elected – to lead and carry out the mandate of the voters to bring about the necessary changes – so long deserved by all of the citizens of our city.  Please make sure to make sure your voice is heard this November and I thank you in advance for your support.




James Rose